
Proof there is a God and He created everything
When you see a painting you know there was a painter.
When you see a building you know there was a builder.
When you look anywhere you see the creation, you realize the creator is highly intelligent, complex, creative, and all-knowing there was and still is a creator.
Proof that God's Torah is without error it is eternal and true and we are to obey it.
God's instructions are without errors he always gives two witnesses.
Wherever you find a fish in any water with scales it will have fins who would know but the creator?
Which animals are kosher to eat and which are not there are two million animals God gives us 2 signs and the formula to determine if they vomit their food and regurgitate it they have to have split hoofs God says to be careful there are 4 exceptional
animals that may trick you each one have only one sign the camel, the pig, rabbit, and the hare.
Jewish babies are to be circumcised on the 8th day. That is the only time the body has an additional 10% vitamin k no other time in life.
Whom have you relied on Man, your pastor or those who made a conscious decision to disobey God's commandments if anyone tells you Gods commandments are done away with they are a false profit Is it time to only rely on God's word only
The Three greatest questions of life
God cannot stand the prayers of anyone wh
o disobeys his Law. Proverbs 28:9
1. Where did I come from? The answer is in Genesis 1.1 God created everything
2. Why am I here? That's found in Genesis 15:6 and Ecclesiastes 12:1 Youre here to determine your destiny, fear God, and keep His commandments for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will judge every secret thing whether good or evil Hebrew 9:27
3. Where am I going? that's in Genesis 25:8 Your lifeline determines whether you will spend eternity with God in the new Jerusalem on earth or whether you will spend it in the lake of fire. Weeping and gnashing of teeth your choice.
We know everything in life was created. We know if something is created there must be a creator.
Proof the Torah is true and divine. If the Torah makes one mistake it is not written by God The Creator
The world has around 72% water 8 miles deep there are millions of fish in all the waters no one has ever found a fish with scales that don't have fins.is it possible someone who could have written this over 3,000 years ago who could have written such a thing except the creator?
The Torah says which animals are good to eat and which ones are not to eat There are 2,000,000 different kinds of animals in the world God gives us two wittness split huffs and chew its cud. Two signs to make sure the animal is cosher God says be careful there are four exceptional animals The pig, Cammel, hair, and Rabbat.
Torah commands Jews to circumcise their babies on the 8-day Vitamin K is 110% only on the 8-day who knew it but the creator?
The new moon never less than 29 days and 1/2 days to complete its cycle told to the Priest that over us 3,000 years ago The US government calculated it to take 29.530.88 and the Germans calculated 29 530.89 only the creator could know this information.
Proof the Torah is true and divine. If the Torah makes one mistake it is not written by God The Creator
The world has around 72% water 8 miles deep there are millions of fish in all the waters no one has ever found a fish with scales that don't have fins.is it possible someone who could have written this over 3,000 years ago who could have written such a thing except the creator?
The Torah says which animals are good to eat and which ones are not to eat There are 2,000,000 different kinds of animals in the world God gives us two wittness split huffs and chew its cud. Two signs to make sure the animal is cosher God says be careful there are four exceptional animals The pig, Cammel, hair, and Rabbat.
Torah commands Jews to circumcise their babies on the 8-day Vitamin K is 110% only on the 8-day who knew it but the creator?
The new moon is never less than 29 days and 1,2 us 29.530.88 Geromand 29 530.89
Exodus 28 High Priests wore Breastplates with 12 jewels for the 12 tribes of Israel
Revelation 21 the 12 jewels represent the 12 apostles of Christ in the new Jerusalem.
God is pure light only these jewels will reflect light, Diamonds, and rubies are isotropic only one person in the entire universe would know this